mar­co Basic­Valve Kits
The durable and eco­nom­i­cal alter­na­tive

Precision Dispensing Systems: marco BasicValve Kits

The dispensing system for
many common applications

The mar­co Basic­Valve Kits can be used for var­i­ous appli­ca­tions. There are two kits to choose from: one for jet­ting and one for con­tact dis­pens­ing.

The mar­co Basic­Valve itself is a pre­ci­sion valve suit­able for many com­mon appli­ca­tions where a sim­ple and durable device is required. It com­bines a slen­der, robust design and attrac­tive pric­ing with many known advan­tages of the mar­co dis­pens­ing equip­ment, such as mod­u­lar­i­ty and longevi­ty.

The mar­co Basic­Valve is avail­able as a kit either for con­tact­less jet dos­ing with the mtv/vss/ba/100a valve insert or as a pre­cise con­tact dos­ing valve kit with the mtv/vss/ba/lla valve insert.


  • Longevi­ty of hard­ware and long main­te­nance inter­vals
  • Easy removal of flu­id body and valve seat
  • No cool­ing required due to tem­per­a­ture-com­pen­sat­ed dri­ve
  • Dis­pens­es at up to 500 Hz con­tin­u­ous­ly


  • Abil­i­ty to dis­pense low- to medi­um-vis­cos­i­ty flu­ids pro­vides flex­i­bil­i­ty to meet chang­ing dis­pens­ing needs
  • Latch­ing allows quick and easy clean­ing and ser­vice­abil­i­ty which reduces down­time
  • Indus­try-lead­ing accu­ra­cy in deposit con­sis­ten­cy, repeata­bil­i­ty and place­ment
  • Mod­u­lar set­up allows for jet­ting with the mtv/vss/ba/100a valve seat as well as con­tact dis­pens­ing with the mtv/vss/ba/lla valve seat
  • Jet­ting mode elim­i­nates Z‑axis motion for sig­nif­i­cant­ly faster pro­duc­tion speeds
  • Con­tact dis­pens­ing mode allows dot dis­pens­ing and line dis­pens­ing, also with vari­able Luer Lock nee­dles for fur­ther flex­i­bil­i­ty

marco BasicValve Kits

Dis­pens­ing sys­tem Basic­Valve.
Ready to use.

The mar­co Basic­Valve Kits were spe­cial­ly devel­oped for use with low to medi­um-vis­cos­i­ty media.

Kit for pre­cise con­tact dis­pens­ing with the mtv/vss/ba/lla valve seat:

Order the mar­co Basic­Valve Con­tact Dis­pens­ing Kit online.

Kit for non-contact jet dispensing with the mtv/vss/ba/100a valve seat:

Order the mar­co Basic­Valve Jet Dis­pens­ing Kit online.

marco BasicValve Kits

The com­po­nents in detail

marco BasicValve

The piezo dispensing valve for all standard applications

The Basic­Valve offers many advan­tages of the more sophis­ti­cat­ed mar­co valve. It is based on our unique piezo tech­nol­o­gy, made in Ger­many, to ensure excep­tion­al dis­pens­ing accu­ra­cy and excel­lent process sta­bil­i­ty.

The valve allows for a very good repro­ducibil­i­ty of the dis­pens­ing results as well as high dis­pens­ing fre­quen­cies, in this case up to 500 Hz. It is easy to han­dle and to clean and requires no cool­ing due to the tem­per­a­ture- com­pen­sat­ed dri­ve.

The Basic­Valve is also com­pat­i­ble with mar­co’s graph­i­cal user inter­face; alter­na­tive­ly, the dis­pens­ing para­me­ters can be set via a con­nect­ed lap­top.

Valve Seat Con­tact Dis­pens­ing

The mtv/vss/ba/lla is a valve seat espe­cial­ly suit­able for con­tact dis­pens­ing. Its Luer-Lock con­nec­tion makes it a flex­i­ble solu­tion for point and line dos­ing. The ceram­ic ball inside has a diam­e­ter of 1.58 mm. The geom­e­try tran­si­tions to the Luer-Lock con­nec­tor with a 0.3mm pas­sage.

Valve Seat Jet Dis­pens­ing

The mtv/vss/ba/100a is a valve insert with a 100 µm noz­zle, which is par­tic­u­lar­ly suit­able for jet dis­pens­ing of dots and lines. Inside, a ceram­ic ball with a diam­e­ter of 0.79 mm clos­es the seal­ing seat.

Eth­er­net high volt­age mod­ule dri­ver

The mtv/ehm/e Eth­er­net high volt­age mod­ule dri­ves an mtv/dsm/e mod­u­lar Torque­Block valve.

Precision Dispensing Systems by marco
High-End solu­tions for High-End pro­duc­tion.
Valves for pre­ci­sion dis­pens­ing

mar­co’s high per­for­mance Torque­Block dri­ven valves pro­vide fast, accu­rate dis­pens­ing of a wide range of flu­ids.

High-end dis­pens­ing heads for (mass) pro­duc­tion.

Cus­tomised, flex­i­ble and fast solu­tions for any dis­pens­ing appli­ca­tion.

High and low vis­cos­i­ty media sup­ply

No dis­pens­ing sys­tem with­out a con­stant sup­ply of media. At mar­co we are con­stant­ly devel­op­ing new, inno­v­a­tive solu­tions for the deliv­ery of all types of media.

Inte­grat­ed com­plete sys­tems and gantry sys­tems

Our gantry sys­tems com­bine state-of-the-art robot tech­nol­o­gy with sophis­ti­cat­ed dis­pens­ing con­trol.

Your world­wide part­ner for
Pre­ci­sion Dis­pens­ing Sys­tems.
+49 (0) 8131 5161 0