BasicValve Kit: Contact Dispensing

marco’s Basic­Valve Kit for con­tact dis­pens­ing pro­vides a high per­for­mance piezo-dri­ven valve com­bined with a valve seat with a Luer-Lock con­nec­tion suit­able for many com­mon appli­ca­tions


Essen­tial com­po­nents:

Basic­Valve mtv/dms/e

The mar­co Basic­Valve is a pre­ci­sion valve suit­able for many com­mon appli­ca­tion requir­ing a sim­ple and durable device.

It com­bines a slen­der, robust design and attrac­tive pric­ing with many known advan­tages of the mar­co dis­pens­ing equip­ment, such as mod­u­lar­i­ty and longevi­ty.

The Basic­Valve shares many of the benefits of more sophis­ti­cat­ed mar­co valves. It is based on our unique piezo tech­nol­o­gy, made in Ger­many, to achieve excep­tion­al lev­els of dis­pens­ing accu­ra­cy and supe­ri­or process sta­bil­i­ty.

The Basic Valve is also com­pat­i­ble with marco’s graph­i­cal user inter­face; alter­na­tive­ly, the dis­pens­ing para­me­ters can be set via a con­nect­ed lap­top.


Valve seat mtv/vss/ba/lla

The mtv/vss/ba/lla is a valve seat espe­cial­ly suit­able for con­tact dis­pens­ing. Its Luer Lock con­nec­tor makes it a flex­i­ble solu­tion for dot and line dis­pens­ing as vari­able Luer-Lock nee­dles can be mount­ed.

The valve seat is inter­nal­ly fit­ted with a 1.58 mm diam­e­ter ceram­ic ball to close the valve seat , which has a clos­ing sur­face also made of durable ceram­ic. The geom­e­try opens with a 0.3 mm hole towards the Luer Lock con­nec­tor.

As with all mar­co valves, this valve seat can be eas­i­ly dis­mount­ed from the valve and cleaned sep­a­rate­ly.

With the mtv/vss/ba/lla mar­co offers a ver­sa­tile, robust, and eco­nom­i­cal valve seat for con­tact dis­pens­ing.


Basic­Valve dri­ver EHM

The mtv/ehm/e Eth­er­net high volt­age mod­ule dri­ves an mtv/dsm/e mod­u­lar Torque­Block valve.

The mtv/ehm/e con­trols the whole dis­pens­ing process.

Dis­pens­ing para­me­ters and process oper­a­tion are con­fig­ured via Eth­er­net or Mod­bus inter­face.


The kit con­tains the fol­low­ing com­po­nents:

  • Basic­Valve mtv/dsm/e
  • Basic­Valve dri­ver mtv/ehm/e
  • 2.5 m cable mtv/cab/250c
  • Valve seat for nee­dle dis­pens­ing mtv/vss/ba/lla
  • Kit with dis­pens­ing nee­dles mtv/tip/kit/a
  • Flu­id body Luer Lock mtv/fbs/llaa
  • Tool kit mtv/tk/a
  • Eth­er­net cable mtv/ca/e300


Spare parts includ­ed:

  • Car­tridge mtv/cr/ba/d
  • O‑ring valve seat di:o‑3x1ffkm80
  • Snap ring din:7993.A7va


1.900,00  plus VAT and shipping costs

Spare parts

The Basic Valve with piezoceramic actuator is controlled via the control unit.
The cable connects BasicValve Driver and BasicValve.
Fluid body with Luer-Lock® connector.
Valve seat especially for contact dosing with Luer Lock connection for different dosing needles.
The precision valve for many common applications.