Valve Seat Contact Dispensing

Designed specif­i­cal­ly for con­tact-dis­pens­ing appli­ca­tions, the mtv/vss/ba/lla valve seat offers excep­tion­al ver­sa­til­i­ty.

With its Luer Lock con­nec­tor, it pro­vides a flex­i­ble solu­tion for both dot and line dis­pens­ing, as var­i­ous Luer Lock nee­dles can be eas­i­ly attached. This adapt­abil­i­ty ensures that it can meet a wide range of dis­pens­ing require­ments, where dif­fer­ent nee­dle diam­e­ters cor­re­spond to vary­ing dot or line diam­e­ters.

Inter­nal­ly, the valve seat fea­tures a ceram­ic ball with a diam­e­ter of 1.58 mm. This ceram­ic ball acts as the clos­ing mech­a­nism for the valve seat, the clos­ing sur­face of which is also built from durable ceram­ics. The geom­e­try of the valve seat includes a 0.3 mm open­ing that faces towards the Luer Lock con­nec­tor for effi­cient dis­pens­ing.

Sim­i­lar to oth­er mar­co valves, the mtv/vss/ba/lla valve seat can be effort­less­ly dis­con­nect­ed from the valve for inde­pen­dent clean­ing. This allows for easy main­te­nance and ensures opti­mal per­for­mance. Fur­ther­more, in the unfor­tu­nate event of dam­age or irrepara­ble clog­ging, the valve seat can be replaced with­out affect­ing the rest of the sys­tem

Thus, pro­vid­ing a con­ve­nient solu­tion with min­i­mum pro­duc­tion down­times.


Valve seat mtv/vss/ba/lla

  • Espe­cial­ly for con­tact dis­pens­ing
  • With Luer Lock con­nec­tor for var­i­ous dis­pens­ing nee­dles
  • Ceram­ic com­po­nents like seal­ing ball and clos­ing sur­face ensure high reli­a­bil­i­ty
  • Easy main­te­nance and replace­ment of valve seat if required
  • Ver­sa­tile, robust and cost-effec­tive

450,00  plus VAT and shipping costs