Connecting cable

The bend­able con­nect­ing cable mtv/cab250c is suit­able for drag chains appli­ca­tions and is avail­able with two two straight con­nec­tors, 2 x 5‑pole.

It con­nects the Basic­Valve Dri­ver and the Basic Valve with piezo­ce­ram­ic actu­a­tor.

This cable must not be used in sys­tems with twist­ing move­ments (tor­sion) such as swiv­el joint robots. For this type of appli­ca­tion we rec­om­mend using mtv/cat/<xxx>b oder /c.

Do not plug the cable under volt­age!
Not suit­able for twist­ing move­ments!


Tech­ni­cal data

Tem­per­a­ture range -30 °C to + 80 °C
Cable diam­e­ter (D) 7 mm
Bend­ing radius ®

Bend­ing radius ®

7.5 x diam­e­ter for fixed appli­ca­tions

10 x diam­e­ter for mov­ing appli­ca­tions

Flame retar­dant accord­ing to IEC 60332–1‑2
Halo­gen free accord­ing to IEC 60754–1
Lengths [L] [cm] [cm] mtv/cab/<L>c: 250

58,80  plus VAT and shipping costs