5‑Litre Basic Tank

This mate­r­i­al con­tain­er is used for stor­ing and con­vey­ing flu­id dis­pens­ing media.

The mar­co three-part stain­less steel media tank com­pris­es a base, an adapter ring and a lid. The adapter ring at the top of the base has an inte­grat­ed out­let noz­zle for the hose so that this is not attached to the lid, but guid­ed through the adapter ring into the media con­tain­er. This design is unique in the indus­try.

The tank has a capac­i­ty of up to 5 litres. The medi­um can either be filled direct­ly into the tank or placed in a con­tain­er in the tank.

With con­trolled and con­stant pres­sure, the liq­uid is con­veyed to the side out­let and ensures effi­cient dis­pens­ing for many com­mon media types to one or more dis­pens­ing valves.

Fur­ther­more, the 5‑Litre Basic tTank offers excel­lent chem­i­cal resis­tance and pro­tec­tion against con­t­a­m­i­na­tion and evap­o­ra­tion. The con­tain­ers used are eas­i­ly replace­able and also help pre­vent con­t­a­m­i­na­tion inside the tank.


  • Easy han­dling and clean­ing thanks to the unique three-part design
  • Air sup­ply via a quick-release cou­pling with a 10 mm air hose in the lid
  • Flu­id out­let via met­ric 8 mm lat­er­al con­nec­tion
  • Inte­grat­ed vent­ing safe­ty valve and pres­sure gauge


  • Thanks to the sep­a­rate adapter ring, the media hose can be thread­ed into the con­tain­er very eas­i­ly and only then is the lid put on and closed. This means that the tank lid can be tak­en off to refill the medi­um with­out the media hose hav­ing to be removed.
  • The design of the out­let noz­zle makes it easy to con­nect or replace the media hose and enables easy clean­ing, even if the hose is con­t­a­m­i­nat­ed with liq­uid. If the hose is com­plete­ly soiled, it can be
    quick­ly and eas­i­ly replaced with a new piece of hose.
  • In order to pre­vent con­t­a­m­i­na­tion or hard­en­ing of the mate­r­i­al, the medi­um can be filled into con­tain­ers and placed in the tank.


A patent appli­ca­tion has been filed for the design and func­tion of the tank.

Tech­ni­cal data

  • Capac­i­ty: 5 litres
  • Max­i­mum oper­at­ing pres­sure: 5 bar / 73 psi
  • Hous­ing mate­r­i­al: stain­less steel
  • Inside diam­e­ter: 160 mm (6.3″)
  • Inside depth: 285 mm (11.2″)
  • Over­all width: 208 mm (8.2″)
  • Over­all height: 382 mm (15.1″)
  • Weight: 8.6 kg (19 lbs)
  • Seal­ing mate­ri­als: NBR, oth­ers avail­able on request

2.910,00  plus VAT and shipping costs